More politics news from several sources....
From Clamor Magazine email:
Okay. Does anyone but me just wish this election would be over
tomorrow? Can I get a HELLS YEAH? Maybe it's just because we're in
the middle of ground zero as they are oh-so-sensitively referring to
Ohio, but I could go a lifetime without having another conversation
about Swift Boats or getting out the vote. Bush is a madman. Kerry
sucks less. Let's get it over with already.
[1] CLAMOR UP FOR BEST IN SHOW: Utne Magazine ( has announced the nominees for their annual Independent Press Awards, and Clamor has
been nominated once again for Best Cultural Coverage. We're also up
for General Excellence, which we think is, well, generally excellent.
Thanks to all of you for reading, subscribing, and keeping Clamor
thriving for almost five years now.
[2] SWING STATE POSTER PROJECT: One final project before we step away
from this train wreck of an election year: The evening of November 1,
Clamor will join forces with Punk Planet, The Center for the Study of
Political Graphics, In These Times, and artists, activists, and
volunteers throughout the U.S. to present a national night of
swing-state postering, an election eve celebration of artistic
activism. We are concentrating our efforts around polling places in
OH, WI, PA and FL. Poster-hangers, artists, printers, and financial
donations (to offset mailing, printing, and materials costs) in these
states and others are urgently needed. Head over to or email for all the details (including information about how you can make artistic and financial contributions to this project).
ACLU email on voting rights info:
ACLU Voter Empowerment Cards are now available for download in .pdf file format, or via bulk order through our respective ACLU state affiliates. (Click on the web site link or mail-to link for each state affiliate on the ACLU web page given below to place your order directly with the state affiliate. Just use the link or the state affiliate web site to send them a personal email identifying your group and indicating how many cards you need).
These cards are designed to inform voters of their rights and responsibilities on Election Day and help voters avoid problems when casting a ballot. Along with downloadable cards, there is information on the ACLU web site about voter registration forms, absentee ballot applications, polling place locators and contact information for the ACLU in various states, as well as contact information for state election authorities. See:
Florida | Georgia | Iowa | Missouri | New Jersey | New Mexico | North Carolina
North Dakota | Pennsylvania | South Dakota | Tennessee | Washington
Please check the site frequently, as new states will likely be added soon, including Louisiana (which will likely be up later today – Friday) Maryland, Rhode Island.
Our apologies if no card is yet available for your state. Additional cards are in production, but because of the burden of election-related work here at the Voting Rights Project we cannot provide additional details about when those cards might be posted to the site or available for order. We will, however, post additional messages to various lists (and to all the individuals who receive this message) as new cards are finished. Thank you for your patience and your efforts to ensure that every vote is counted on Election Day.
Thank you very much,
Daniel Levitas | Ira Glasser Racial Justice Fellow - ACLU Voting Rights Project
2725 Harris Tower | 233 Peachtree Street, N.E. | Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 523-2721 x 213 (voice) | (404) 653-0331 (fax) |
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